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Cookie policy

In compliance with the provisions of article 22.2 of the Law on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSI-CE, according to its Spanish initials) and in accordance with the European Directive 2009/136 / CE, we inform you that this website makes use of cookies.


Definition of cookies

The website, (hereafter referred to as the "website"), uses cookies.


Cookies are small files sent to a browser by means of a web server to record users’ activity in a specific site. The first objective of cookies is to provide faster access to the desired services to users. Moreover, cookies customise the services provided by the website, providing and offering information of the user’s interest or that may be of interest, according to the use made of the services.


The website uses cookies to customise and make the user’s browsing as easy as possible. Cookies are solely associated to an anonymous user and their corresponding computer, and they do not provide references that may give way to guessing the user’s personal data.


A user may set their browser to send notifications and to prevent the installation of cookies sent by the website, without affecting the user’s access to the website’s content. Nonetheless, it is worth mentioning that the operation quality of the website might decrease.


Users that are already registered, or in process of registering or opening a session, shall be able to benefit from customised services, focused on their profile, thanks to the combination of stored data of the cookies and cookies with the personal data collected upon registration. Such users expressly authorise the use of that information for the aforementioned purposes, notwithstanding their right to decline or deactivate the use of cookies at any time.


Moreover, the website shall be able to know the services requested by the user, in the aim of providing or offering the adequate information in line with the user’s likings or preferences.


Types of cookies

Cookies can be classified, according to their permanence, as follows:

  • “Session cookies”: these expire as soon as the user closes the browser.

  • “Persistent cookies”: these expire according to the achieved purpose (for example, to keep the user identified while using services) or when they are manually eliminated.


Third party cookies

In this website, the following third-party cookies are used:





Google Analytics



Google Analytics

End of session


Google Analytics

30 minutes


Google Analytics

6 months


Used to distinguish users and sessions

Used to distinguish new sessions or visits

To be used with Urchin (web statistics software)

It stores the source or campaign origin

The third-party service providers with whom we have a contracted a service where cookies are necessary are:


Google Inc., for statistical analysis of the website: visitors, pages visited, keywords used and others (


Wix, for the functioning of the website (

Disabling cookies

Acceptance of cookies in the browser or cookies specific to a service can be cancelled. Modern Internet browsers allow to modify cookies settings which are usually located under the “Options” or “Preferences” section. Additionally, there are add-ons provided free of charge that prevent downloading of Website cookies when an e-mail is opened.


The following links provide more information on how to disable cookies on the most popular browsers:


Changes to the cookie policy

The website may modify the present cookie policy based on legislation or regulation requirements. For this reason, users are recommended to re-visit this page regularly.


When significant modifications to the cookie policy are made, users will be notified through the website, or by e-mail in the case of registered users.

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